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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Help Fight Breast Cancer with The New Pink ACE Elite Visa Prepaid Debit Card

Pink ACE Elite Visa Prepaid CardAll scams are ugly. All scammers are despicable.

Some scams and scammers, in my opinion, are are worse than others.

Take the recent news I found in the WSJ today. A couple in Great Neck, New York setup a breast cancer charity and used it to scam donors. These scammer lived very high on the ill-gotten cash they pocketed from decent folks looking to support a very worthy cause. Yuck!

Thankfully, these two miscreants are going to get what they deserve (although I think the wife should have been sentenced to at least some time behind bars.)

The Pink ACE Elite Visa® Prepaid Card

If you're thinking of getting a prepaid debit card for yourself or someone else, you may want to consider the new Pink ACE Elite card. With Pink ACE, every time you use the card, a small cut of the transaction goes to the reputable National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF).

From the ACE website:

"...In 2010, ACE and NetSpend donated more than $400,000 through our partnership with the National Breast Cancer Foundation..."
I was worried that the above claim made by ACE might not be accurate. Why? The company, besides offering prepaid debit cards, is also a large player in the often predatory payday-loan industry.

I'm glad to report that ACE and Pink check out. You can see on the National Breast Cancer Foundation Partners Page that ACE is listed as a partner, with a direct link to the Pink Elite Prepaid Debit Card website. Yay!

Proof that the NBCF organization and the NBCF website are legit can be found here.

You can apply for the Pink Elite Prepaid Card by visiting the US Prime Rate website here.

With the unemployment rate still high, and with slim odds that the US economy will improve this year or next, I think we'll see a lot more deplorable scams and scammers, at least until the housing market stabilizes and America returns to real prosperity.

If you're feeling generous, be sure to do your homework before giving money to any charitable organization. After all, for most of us, the Internet always available for fast and easy research.

The New York State Attorney General website has a great "Tips on Charitable Giving" article here (PDF file.) You can also search for the charity you're interested in here, to make sure it's properly registered (search covers all 50 states!) Important to note:

"...Some organizations, like religious organizations, are exempt from registering with the Charities Bureau and may not appear in the Registry..."

Comments are always welcome.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, thanks for doing the research for this card. I get so many "offers" delivered to my home and my email addresses, it's difficult for me to really figure out which one is the "right" one. I don't have time to do the research to determine the "legit" offers from the others. There are way too many scammers! Although I use my American Express card for the majority of my purchases, I'll use this card as a back up. Since there are no fees to apply and the application is so easy to complete, this is great. The card is pretty too! I do realize this is such a "women" comment, but who doesn't like pink and knowing that a portion of my spending would be donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, I could not go wrong. Thanks again for the great information. THINK IN PINK!!

Thursday, August 18, 2011 5:26:00 PM  
Anonymous Prepaid Debit Cards said...

> There are way too many scammers!

Indeed. The Great Recession and this jobless economic recovery we're in have caused more people to turn to desperate measures to survive. The sooner we get out of this economic quagmire, the better off we will all be.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012 4:26:00 PM  

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